Town Recreation Departments Come to Winter RescueMillis and Medway Recreation Departments offer programs for school vacation plus adult programming
Jan 29, 2021 01:05PM ● By J.D. O’Gara
Looking for stuff to do for February vacation? Don’t forget to check out your local recreation departments which are continuing to come up with creative ways to pass the time during the pandemic.
The Millis Recreation Department, along with other local recreation departments, recently wrapped up a successful E-Sports tournament that began in December.
“Thinking outside the box, video games are huge. We collaborated with the towns around us and put together (an E-sports) winter league, and that’s been pretty successful. We did a tournament over winter break, and then we did the league itself,” said Kris Fogarty, Millis Recreation Director.
Fogarty says the Learn to Skate program is running in February but basketball could not run due to the water damage in Veterans Memorial Building gym.
“They just started last week to replace the floor,” she said, in mid-January, “so we still have some hope!”
Shen’s Gymnastics, of Holliston, will offer a February vacation program through Millis Recreation for kids aged 3.5 to 12 with options for one-day, several days, or a full week; and a Winter Wonderland of Art program will take place at the Burke-Memorial School gym in Medway and be offered by Ida Matuskova.
For adults, Millis Rec is offering a Ladies’ Night Out for Valentine’s Day on Feb. 10 to be held at Molly’s Apothecary in Medway.
For more information or to register online for Millis Recreation programs at under “Recreation” or email [email protected] with questions.
Medway Parks & Recreation Director Julie Harrington says planning anything during the Covid-19 crisis has been difficult. “It’s always challenging, and we’re always trying to keep everyone safe. We did do a December vacation program that was mainly outdoors, and that went well. For February vacation, we have a program that is an extension of our summer camp program,” said Harrington.
The February vacation program, for kids in grades K-5, will run from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., at Choate Park.
“We’ll use the playground, play games, (do) arts and crafts, scavenger hunts. We keep the program small and spend most of our time outdoors to be safe,” said Harrington, who has been trying to highlight Medway’s nature trails with several outdoor scavenger hunts. If temperatures dip too low during camp weeks, distanced indoor programming will take place inside the Thayer house.
Medway’s other winter programs offer in-person and virtual options.
“We’ve had success with our virtual escape room class, chess and a Lego Jedi class,” said Harrington. “We are offering in-person classes outdoors. We have a preschool treasure hike class, pint-sized Picassos, and pre-K soccer. We also offer weekly youth sports classes -- street hockey, multisport and dodgeball – that are held outdoors.”
For more information, visit
Source: Facebook @millis.recreationdept