Order Girl Scout Cookies online through March 6 Thin Mints continue to be top seller
Mar 01, 2021 10:01AM ● By Theresa Knapp Enos
Medway Brownie Troop 67237. These second graders are selling cookies to raise money to do projects that will benefit local senior citizens. Courtesy of Medway Girl Scouts via Emily Midgley.
There is just a short time left to order Girl Scout cookies before this year’s sale ends on March 6. Top sellers this year are the Thin Mints, Caramel Delites and Peanut Butter Patties, according to Medway Service Unit Cookie Mentor Emily Midgley.
This year’s cookie sales looked much different than they have in the past and included drive-thru booths plus online sales with direct shipping.
“Even though our booths are off the beaten path this year to ensure a safe drive-thru experience, the Medway community has shown up in a huge way,” said Midgley, who thanked the many town departments who helped make this year’s sale a safe success. “Medway Scouts have been braving the frigid temperatures, and even a snow storm, and the cars keep coming. We are so grateful for the incredible support from Medway, the local businesses that support us, and the community.”
The good news is that Girl Scouts benefit from cookie sales all year round and the money raised helps bring local programming to the scouts. Plus, many of the Medway troops have been collecting cookie donations for the Medway Food Pantry and Midgley’s troop alone has collected almost 40 boxes.
For more information, visit www.medwaygirlscouts.wordpress.com