Theatre Group of Millis Holds Amateur Playwriting Contest

High School students and adults are encouraged to apply
Have you ever thought of writing a one-act play? If so, we encourage you to enter the Theatre Group of Millis Amateur Playwriting Contest. To create your story in one act, think about a character, an idea, or situation you have always wanted to see on the stage.
The contest is open to high school students and adults. There is no fee for submission, and plays must be received no later than June 11, 2021. Plays must be 30 minutes or less in length.
Plays will be judged on character development, story structure, dialogue, and use of dramatic or comedic situations by a panel of three judges who have expertise in playwriting, theater production, stage direction, and acting.
Submit plays electronically to [email protected] and attach your play in pdf format. Hard copies can be mailed to Theatre Group of Millis, 14 Milliston Road, Box 250, Millis, MA 02054. Be sure to include your name, email address, telephone number, and let us know if you are a student or adult. Submitted plays cannot contain inappropriate language or behavior.
The top two student plays and adult plays will be presented in a stage reading in July (TBA) and the playwrights will receive awards at that time.
If you require further information, please email us at [email protected] and we will respond to you.