Millis Celebrated Earth Day with its Annual Beautification Day
Jane Hardin, a regular trash picker on her many walks through town, officially participated in this year’s Millis Beautification Day. Credit: Olivia Donehey.
Residents gathered to pick up trash around town during this annual event
By Theresa KnappThe Millis Lions Club and the Millis Garden Club held their town beautification day event on Saturday April 24, 2021.
Many people signed up through the new Millis Beautification Day Facebook page where schools, teams, scouts, new residents, as well as volunteers who have consistently showed up for more than 15 years, showed up ready to work.
Project co-chairs Jen Donehey and Janet Gashler of the Millis Garden Club say that “77 large contractor trash bags were picked up by our DPW throughout the day; town gardens, school fields, roadways, parks and more, were tended to and it shows.”
Millis High School students Maria Govoni, Jane Connors and Nora Sugre clean up near the MHS frog pond as part of Millis Beautification Day. Credit: Bill Lawson.
“The groups of children were Daisies and Scouts, and many teachers and coaches were jumping in throughout the day -- some were still on school vacation so it was much appreciated,” said Donehey.
Organizers estimate 135 adults and children participated in the event and say new volunteers may have been inspired by the Facebook group “Just1Bag2020”, a worldwide movement started in 2020 by a Cohasset family with a goal “to collect, and inspire 2020 other people to collect, 20,000 bags of litter in 2020.”
For more information on community efforts in Millis, visit and

Millis Garden Club has been participating in Millis Beautification Day
for nearly 16 years. Long-standing members Janet Gashler, Pat Thompson, and Sue
Conte are pictured here at the Veterans Memorial Building.
Credit: Nancy Sitta.