Millis Lions running “Big Winter Raffle” through Dec. 21 Enter to win $10,000 in prizes, proceeds to fund new digital message board

The Millis Lions Club is raising money to purchase a two-sided digital message board, similar to the one pictured here, that they will gift to the town. Source:
The Millis Lions Club continues its fundraising efforts with a $10,000 “Big Winter Raffle.” Tickets are available now through Dec. 21 at noon. The drawing will take place on Dec. 21 at 6 p.m. via Facebook Live on the Millis Lions page.
Tickets are $100 and only 250 tickets will be sold. First prize will be $5,000, second prize will be $3,000, and third prize will be $2,000. The tickets drawn for third and second prizes will be put back in the barrel for the grand prize drawing; meaning, each ticket could possibly win all three prizes. All state and federal taxes will be the responsibility of the winner. Tickets and other donations are tax-deductible.
To purchase tickets, call Debbie Hayes at 508-816-6732.
Proceeds will help fund a new digital message board the Lions plan to gift to the town. The double-sided message board will allow for multiple scrolling messages and will give both the Millis Police and Fire Departments the functionality to override the board in the event of an emergency to warn citizens.
For more information on the Millis Lions Club, the sign, fundraising events and/or how to make a tax-deductible donation, visit the Millis Lions Club website at
The Millis Lions Club Foundation is a 501c3 charitable organization, EIN #22-2938023.