Millis Senior Center

*Please note that some Regular Events have changed and needs to be updated
The Millis Senior Center is located at 900 Main Street on the ground floor of the Veterans Memorial building. The Center is open Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesdays 8:30-4 Thursdays 8:30-2 Fridays 8:30-12:30. For more information call (508) 376-7051
Regular Events:
Technological Training for Multi– Devices Having trouble with your laptop, smart phone or tablet? Available by appointment any Monday from 10-12.
BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS We have a registered volunteer nurse that will provide a blood pressure check for you every Thursday from 11:00-11:30.
Cribbage Meets every Monday or Friday from 9:30-12.
BINGO Every Thursday at 12:15 in room 21. SUPER Bingo (the last pot is worth $25) is every 2nd and last Thursday of the month.
Stretch & Flow Yoga Every Friday at 10:00 in room 130. Cost is $3.00 per class. Class will meet in room 18 on July 16th and 23rd due to room conflicts.
Line Dancing with Jean Every Thursday at 10. $4.00 per class.
FREE BREAD AND PASTRY is available on a daily basis every day in room 21 courtesy of Roche Brothers, Shaws, Country Kitchen and Blue Moon Bakery.
Nanak’s Kitchen The Sikh Dharma food relief program is providing bags of nonperishable organic, vegan foods to anyone in need at the Council on Aging every Monday from 9-11 All are welcome.
January Events:
The Elder Dental Program is a free non-profit, community based program. The Elder Dental Program’s mission is to connect low-income seniors (age 60+) with local dentists who volunteer to participate by providing discounted dental care in their offices to elders. They refer those seniors who have been pre- screened meeting financial eligibility requirements. Dentist agree to abide by the Program’s reduced fee schedule which is a fraction of their usual fees, so patients pay an amount that is more affordable to them. The participating dentists are essentially donating their time and services in order to benefit seniors who are at the lowest income levels (under 250% of Federal Poverty Guidelines) and truly in need. The Dental hygienist from HopeHealth Community VNA will be providing an oral health presentation and information on the program on Monday, January 10th at 2pm. Please call the Center to reserve your spot.
How Proactive Planning Is Essential to Successfully Aging In Place We are in an aging society and most of us will need help with at least one activity of daily living at some point our lives. The best way to successfully age-in-place is to understand what options you have to help you stay safe, independent and comfortable as your needs change. You stay in control by having a plan for what you want. Join us as we explore how to plan to age-in-place! Michelle Woodbrey from 2Sisters Senior Living Advisors will be at the Center on Tuesday, January 25th at 2pm. Reservations appreciated.
Enhance®Fitness an evidence-based group exercise program for older adults that uses simple, easy-to-learn movements that motivate individuals (particularly those with arthritis) to stay active throughout their life. Each class session includes cardiovascular, strength training, balance and flexibility exercises. We will be starting our 16 week program on Monday January 31st with a free trial week starting January 24th. The fee for this program is $125.00 which most insurance companies will reimburse. No class week of 2/21 spring vacation.
Pizza & Prevention Millis Firefighters will be here discussing Winter Emergencies on Tuesday, January 18th at 11am
TAI CHI with Tony Berg This class will focus primarily on the therapeutic aspects of Tai Chi, while the martial/ self-defense and performance aspects will be secondary, discussed only as an aid to learning the various forms. We will be practicing Yang style Tai Chi, which is the most popular of the five traditional schools of Tai Chi. The slow, controlled movements of Tai Chi improve concentration, strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, coordination, and poise. We learn to release unnecessary tension from the body and increase relaxed awareness. The movements and postures are easily modified to fit individual needs. Tony will be here every Tuesday at 9. Classes are $3.00 per class.
GRAB AND GO LUNCH from HESSCO Every Thursday from 11:15-12 HESSCO is offering a packed lunch which consists of a sandwich, chips, side salad, dessert and lemonade for a suggested donation of $3. Every week the sandwich is different. Week 1: Chicken Salad, Week 2: Turkey & Cheese, Week 3: Seafood Salad, Week 4: Ham & Cheese, Week 5: Tuna Salad. Please call the Center at 376-7051 by noon the Friday before to order.
Stretch & Flow Yoga In yoga class at the Senior Center we practice gentle stretches, flowing movement and breathing exercises. The class is adaptable and really is for everyone! You can use a chair or bring your own mat if you prefer to be seated on the floor. Several levels of modification are given, you will go at your own pace. In this class you will be encouraged to move with ease, never forcing or pushing yourself to a place where you feel uncomfortable.
The class concludes with a breathing exercise and a few minutes in deep relaxation. My hope is that you will leave the class feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to take on your day with grace and an optimistic mindset The class meets every Friday at 9:30. The cost is $3.00