Millis Lions Club $10,000 Raffle Winners

Fundraiser for new Millis message board
The winning tickets numbers, 1012, 1036 and 1047 for the Millis Lions Club Winter Raffle to raise funds to replace the Town message board, were drawn on Tuesday, March 15th at 8pm and filmed live from the American Legion Hall. Millis Police Chief, Chris Soffayer, personally verified all 133 tickets and drew the winning numbers, making 3 area residents very happy.
Millis Lion, Shelbe Doliner was the winner of the $2,000 prize. Holliston Lion, Linda Ahronian, won the $3,000 prize, and Millis Board of Selectpersons’ administrator, Karan Bouret was the winner of the grand prize of $5,000.
“The Millis Lions would like to thank those who supported this event and congratulate our winners,” said Millis Lions Club president, Allison LeBel.
For more than 35 years, members of the Millis Lions Club would brave the elements to update residents and surrounding communities about the happenings in the town of Millis. Through the wind and rain, blazing sun and winter’s snow, the Lions would painstakingly place each letter of these messages on the board to inform residents of kindergarten registration, baseball and softball sign-ups, garden club and library guest speakers, town meetings and voting, Lions events and more.
We were so excited that this fundraiser would bring in the money needed to replace the town sign and we are so disappointed that that goal was not met,” said Millis Lion Debbie Hayes. “We understand that things have been quite difficult for individuals and families over the past few years, especially with COVID and area businesses struggling. We continue to be hopeful, and will discuss our next steps later this spring. We are still taking donations through our website ( and we hope that we can raise the additional $15,000 that we’re short,” continued Hayes.
The planned new and improved, double-sided message board will allow for multiple scrolling messages and will give both the Millis Police and Fire Departments the functionality to override the board in the event of an emergency to warn citizens. “It will be a great upgrade to the current sign board, giving us the ability to promote important events in town and emergency notifications quickly. We look forward to working with the Lions Club to bring this addition to the town center,” said Millis Fire Chief, Rick Barrett. The cost of the new digital sign is expected to be around $37,000.
For more information on the Millis Lions Club, fundraising events and /or to learn how you can make a tax-deductible donation, please visit the Millis Lions Club website at The Millis Lions Club Foundation is a 501c3 charitable organization. EIN #22-2938023