Medway Boy Scout Troop 108 holds Eagle Scout Court of Honor

The Eagle Scouts of Troop 108 (L to R): Connor Gilmore, Ryan Hopkins, Logan Thomsen and Daniel Hudon. Courtesy photo.
Medway Boy Scout Troop 108 recognized three of its scouts on Sunday, May 15, at a Court of Honor ceremony for earning the rank of Eagle Scout, the program’s highest achievement. Ryan Hopkins, Logan Thomsen and Daniel Hudon, all seniors at Medway High School, have been part of Troop 108 since it was re-formed in 2015. In that time, the troop has celebrated one other Eagle Scout (in 2019), Connor Gilmore, also MHS Class of 2022.
During the ceremony, Scoutmaster Steve Johnson described this achievement. “Today we have the honor and pleasure of bestowing the rank of Eagle Scout to three members of our troop. In full awareness of the challenge of the times, these scouts, their leaders and their parents have labored long and faithfully through the Boy Scout program to develop an extensive set of leadership skills, resulting in thoughtful, aware and active citizens of our community, nation and world. Today, their efforts will be recognized as we present to each of them their Eagle Awards.”
Part of the ceremony included each Eagle Scout’s parents applying Eagle rank regalia to the scout’s uniform and in return, the scout “pins” (with an actual “mother” and/or “father” pin) each parent in recognition of their support.
The most demanding requirement of earning the Eagle Scout rank is the Eagle project. Each scout is required to plan, formally propose, execute, and troubleshoot a project that benefits the community. Here is a brief description of each scout’s project:
Ryan’s Eagle Scout Project was to build ramps on the Adams Street Bridge on the Medway Community Trail system, making it safer and more accessible. His project was completed on April 3, 2021.
Logan’s Eagle Scout Project was to design and construct a three-stage composting station for the Medway Community Farm. The project was completed on June 15, 2021.
Daniel’s Eagle Scout Project was to install historical markers commemorating two of Medway’s important figures for the Medway Historical Society. This project was completed on Sept. 28, 2021.
Along with the rank awards and parent pins, these Eagle Scouts also earned nine additional “palms” – pins which are applied to the ribbon of the actual Eagle award. Each palm is earned for every five merit badges beyond what is specified for Eagle rank requirements. Which means between them, these scouts earned 45 merit badges on top of what their ranks demanded of them.
To close the ceremony, Troop 108 Committee Chair Chris Tramontozzi, a 1996 Troop 108 Eagle Scout himself, charged the scouts with the Eagle Scout Oath:
“Ryan, Logan and Daniel, you deserve much credit for having achieved Scouting’s highest honor. Wear your new rank humbly, wear it discreetly over your heart, not on your sleeve. Be ever mindful that an Eagle Scout is looked up to as an example. Remember that your actions are now a little more conspicuous and people will expect more of you. You will always be an Eagle Scout and will be expected to conduct yourself accordingly. May the Scout Oath and the Scout Law and the ideals of Scouting be your guide for today and the future. Last, but not least, I charge you, and ALL Scouts, to put back into Scouting what you have taken. Make us all proud to have been a part of your achievement here today.”
Many of the troop’s scouts and leaders attended as did family, friends, community members and Eagle project beneficiaries.
Troop 108 leadership includes Scoutmaster Steve Johnson, Charter Organization Representative Tamara Smith, Committee Chair Chris Tramontozzi, plus other troop leaders Scott Hopkins, Bob Hudon, Mat Thomsen, John Gilmore, Steve and Andrea Davis, Janice Porter, and Jon Redfield.