Medway High School Students Award Third Place for Reverse Engineering Project by Mass STEM Hub

From left: Annabelle Hazell, Ryan Zambrowski and Matthew Caputo, whose reverse engineering project was awarded third place in engineering in this year’s Mass STEM Hub Student Industry Connects program. (Photo courtesy Medway Public Schools)
Medway High School Principal John Murray and science and engineering teacher Jon Jasinski are pleased to share that Ryan Zambrowski, Matthew Caputo and Annabelle Hazell were recently awarded third place for their engineering project submitted to Mass STEM Hub’s Student Industry Connects program.
Zambrowski, Caputo and Hazell, who are currently in the school’s Introduction to Engineering Design class, submitted their reverse engineering project analyzing the Chinatera Clockwork Wind Up Pink Dog. Their project was recognized by STEM industry professionals and they were awarded third place among all high school engineering projects submitted for consideration.
The students’ project involved studying the toy’s visual qualities to analyze the principles and elements of design, conducting a functional analysis to understand how the toy worked, and conducting a structural analysis by disassembling and measuring each piece to recreate it as a 3D model. They also sketched the toy’s structure and produced renderings of the assembled dog as well as all of its separate parts.
“Student Industry Connects continues to be an exceptionally valuable program for our students to get feedback from professionals and recognition for their hard work, and it’s great to see so many projects submitted from our high school courses each year,” Principal Murray said. “Congratulations to Ryan, Matthew and Annabelle on their well-earned success.”
For their work, the students each received a printed certificate and Rocketbook Smart Notebook. In total, the 47 students in two sections of the Intro to Engineering Design course submitted 23 projects, all reverse engineering projects, and eight capstone projects were also submitted by the Project Lead The Way Common Capstone class. All projects received feedback from industry professionals.