Millis Senior Center
The Millis Senior Center is located at 900 Main Street on the ground floor of the Veterans Memorial building. The Center is open Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesdays 8:30-4 Thursdays 8:30-2 Fridays 8:30-12:30. For more information call (508) 376-7051
Regular Events:
Technological Training for Multi– Devices Having trouble with your laptop, smart phone or tablet? Available by appointment any Monday from 10-12.
BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS We have a registered volunteer nurse that will provide a blood pressure check for you every Thursday from 11:00-11:30.
Cribbage Meets every Monday and Friday from 9:30-12.
BINGO Thursday at 12:15 in room 21. SUPER Bingo (the last pot is worth $25) is every Thursday of the month.
Stretch & Flow Yoga Every Friday at 9:30 in room 130. Cost is $3.00 per class. Class will meet in room 18.
FREE BREAD AND PASTRY is available on a daily basis every day in room 21 courtesy of Roche Brothers, Shaws, Country Kitchen and Blue Moon Bakery.
Nanak’s Kitchen The Sikh Dharma food relief program is providing bags of nonperishable organic, vegan foods to anyone in need at the Council on Aging every Tuesday from 9-11 All are welcome.
September Events:
YMCA ENHANCE FITNESS is a physical activity program comprised of three one-hour sessions per week. The classes are designed to safely increase participants’ fitness levels through aerobic and strength training exercises while building a sense of community and social connectedness among class members. Enhance Fitness has been proven to increase participants’ strength, balance, flexibility, mood, general activity level, and independence when they attend on a regular basis. The program is beneficial for older adults in general but has been deemed particularly safe and effective for older adults living with arthritis. The group will meet every Monday & Friday at 9AM and Wednesday at 10:00AM in the gym. We will be offering FREE trial days on Wednesday September 14th at 10AM and Friday September 16th at 9AM. The official class will start on Monday September 19th from 9AM-10AM. The 16 week course is $125, payable to the Friends of Millis COA and reimbursable by most insurance companies.
THUNDERSTORMS, FLASH FLOODS, HURRICANES, BLIZZARDS AND TORNADOS, OH MY! Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it! Join us for a Great Course on The Science of Extreme Weather. Tour the world’s wildest weather and learn how to protect yourself from it - with a storm chasing, prize winning meteorologist. Eric Snodgrass is the Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Department of Atmospheric Science at the University of Illinois. Learn about global weather patterns and the influences of geological features on land and ocean currents on weather. All of these factors interact with incredible complexity to produce the weather necessary for life on earth. There are 24 lectures and we will view 2 per week. Sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 11AM-12:15PM on September 7, 14, 28 and October 2, 12, 19, 26 – further sessions to be announced. Hosted by Susan Steele.
THE BIG DIG Great Projects— Join us as The Building of America and Discovery Channel University document the building of the most expensive highway project in American history. These documentaries chronicle the largest civil engineering project in modern history, the re-routing of I-93 and I-90 underground. Hosted by Janice McCoy, who worked on the Project! Wednesday, September 21st at 1PM-3PM.
WELCOME BACK BBQ with the Millis Fire Department Come celebrate fall with the Millis Fire Department cooking up burgers and hotdogs and we will have potato and macaroni salad and ice cream sundaes on Tuesday, September 20th at 12PM at the Council on Aging. Reservations are required by Thursday September 15th.
Millis Police to discuss the latest scams at the Center on Monday, September 12 at 11. Every year, roughly 7 million adults 65 and older fall victim to senior scams. The best way to avoid losing money or confidential information to a scammer is by learning to recognize the different types of fraud and when you may be the target. Please join us.
Boxing with Amy Gagne You’re never too old to try something new! Try this 30-minute boxing workout designed for seniors who want to keep their bodies & minds strong after age 60. High-intensity workouts can be difficult as we age, and we each have our own physical limitations. Boxing workouts are especially beneficial for fitness lovers over the age of 60 because they can be adapted into low-impact routines. Benefits include: improving hand-eye coordination , increase in cognitive abilities and alertness, and mind body connection. Gloves will be provided but if you prefer you can purchase your own at Walmart or Amazon. Classes will be held every Wednesday from 1– 1:30 in room 18. Cost is $3 per class for Millis residents $5 for out of towners.
Select Board Member Erin Underhill has office hours in room 206 of the Town Hall: Wednesday August 10, 10:30am-11:30am Please stop in to discuss any issues or concerns that you may have.
Needle Workers Group Come meet some new and old friends as you help each other with needleworking projects on the first and third Thursday of every month from 1-3. Needle pointers, knitters, crocheters, quilters and embroiderers are all welcome. Carol Goldstein will assist with explaining knitting patterns. Come and share your talents.
Origami is the art of paper-folding. We have a talented resident that will show you how to make hats, animals and flowers. Join her at the Center on first and third Thursday of the month from 11-1pm.
Board Games with Debbie This has been a great success. Debbie will be hosting on third Monday of the month from 1-3. Come on down and enjoy some friendly competition with your neighbors.
TAI CHI with Tony Berg This class will focus primarily on the therapeutic aspects of Tai Chi, while the martial/ self-defense and performance aspects will be secondary, discussed only as an aid to learning the various forms. We will be practicing Yang style Tai Chi, which is the most popular of the five traditional schools of Tai Chi. The slow, controlled movements of Tai Chi improve concentration, strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, coordination, and poise. We learn to release unnecessary tension from the body and increase relaxed awareness. The movements and postures are easily modified to fit individual needs. Tony will be here every Tuesday at 9. Classes are $3.00 per class.
GRAB AND GO LUNCH from HESSCO Every Thursday from 11:15-12 HESSCO is offering a packed lunch which consists of a sandwich, chips, side salad, dessert and lemonade for a suggested donation of $3. Every week the sandwich is different. Week 1: Chicken Salad, Week 2: Turkey & Cheese, Week 3: Seafood Salad, Week 4: Ham & Cheese, Week 5: Tuna Salad. Please call the Center at 376-7051 by noon the Friday before to order.
Stretch & Flow Yoga In yoga class at the Senior Center we practice gentle stretches, flowing movement and breathing exercises. The class is adaptable and really is for everyone! You can use a chair or bring your own mat if you prefer to be seated on the floor. Several levels of modification are given, you will go at your own pace. In this class you will be encouraged to move with ease, never forcing or pushing yourself to a place where you feel uncomfortable.
The class concludes with a breathing exercise and a few minutes in deep relaxation. My hope is that you will leave the class feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to take on your day with grace and an optimistic mindset The class meets every Friday at 9:30. The cost is $3.00.