Medway scout plans to provide 10,000 meals to people in need

Joshua McGrail aims to have meals ready in time for Thanksgiving
By Theresa Knapp
When it was time for Joshua McGrail to think of an Eagle project, he immediately thought about those with food insecurity, and pledged to organize and assemble over 10,000 dry meals to be offered free of charge to those in need.

“Over one-third of people in Massachusetts will be affected by food insecurity this year,” McGrail said, quoting “No one should ever have to go through the stress of wondering if they will be able to provide themselves or their family with a nutritious meal.” (Source:
McGrail is a LifeScout in Medway Boy Scout Troop 108 and says he started researching his project last spring before officially submitting the Eagle Project proposal in June when it was approved. Now, he is raising money to buy the supplies and ingredients, the majority of which he will secure through an outreach group called ‘End Hunger New England.’ He will then assemble the dry meals, which will be highly nutritious and protein-packed and can be prepared simply by adding hot water. They will be distributed through a local food pantry known as “The Medway Food Pantry at Mahan Circle.”
McGrail says, “The biggest, most outstanding, and challenging parts of the project will be leading a team of volunteers to assemble all of the ingredients, in a safe and clean production line fashion, into meal packets; the teams will then heat-seal the packets and stack them into shipping boxes.”
But he and his team must first raise the money to fund the project.
“So far we’ve raised approximately 20% of our minimum goal of $3,500 which will provide 10,000 meals,” says McGrail. “Our hope is that we can inspire people to give generously so we can package and provide even more than 10,000 meals for the hungry - the sky’s the limit!”
To support McGrail and his project, visit and label your donation “Josh Eagle Project” in the note section so it is credited to the correct scout project.