Millis Senior Center events

The Millis Senior Center is located at 900 Main Street on the lower level of the Veterans Memorial Building. The Center is open Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesdays 8:30-4:00 PM, Thursdays 8:30-2:00 PM, and Fridays 8:30-12:30 PM. For more information or to receive a newsletter call (508) 376-7051.
Regular Events:
Blood Pressure Checks: A registered volunteer nurse that will provide a blood pressure check every Thursday from 11:00-11:30. Free.
Cribbage: Monday and Friday from 9:30-12.
Rummikub: Mondays at 1:00 PM
BINGO: Thursday at 12:15.
Free Bread And Pastry: available daily courtesy of Shaws, Country Kitchen and Blue Moon Bakery.
October 2023 Events:
Medicare 101 Presentation
October 11, 2023 at 1:00 PM
Medicare Open Enrollment begins October 15 and SHINE counselor Brian Murphy will be presenting “Medicare 101” on Wednesday, October 11 at 1:00 PM. Learn more about what options are available during the open enrollment period. This is a good opportunity to review your current plan or learn more about what is offered with Medicare. SHINE (Serving Health Information Needs of Everyone) is a program of highly skilled volunteers trained to provide free, unbiased information and confidential assistance to those on Medicare.
Basket Weaving Class
October 23, 2033, 12:00-4:00 PM
An introductory class to basket weaving and structure to make a small square basket. All supplies provided but bring an old hand towel to work with wet materials.
Cost is $10 for Millis residents and $25 for non– residents.
Pre-register by calling the Senior Center
New! Seated Strength And Balance Class
Starting Wednesday, October 11 at 2:00 PM.
Join instructor Pearl Pressman, AFAA certified, for this chair exercise class to enhance strength, increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension.
Cost is $3.00
October 11, 2023 at 10:00 AM
The Millis Board of Health will be hosting this event for Millis seniors. The Fluzone High-Dose vaccine will be available. Pre-register by calling the Millis Public Health nurse at (774) 993-8621.
Taxes And Exemptions With The Millis Assessor
October 31, 2023 at 11:00 AM
Bring your property tax questions to this informative presentation and learn what cost-saving options are available for Millis senior homeowners.
Pizza And Prevention With Millis Fire Department
Monday, October 30 at 11:00 AM
Otis will be here with pizza and talking about the Millis Fire Department Senior Safe Program
Free. Pre-register by calling the Senior Center
Needle Workers Group
First and Third Thursdays at 1:00 PM
Come meet some new and old friends as you help each other with needleworking projects. Needle pointers, knitters, crocheters, quilters and embroiderers are all welcome.
TAI CHI with Tony Berg
Tuesdays at 9:00 AM
Cost is $3.00 per class.
This class will focus primarily on the therapeutic aspects of Tai Chi, while the martial/ self-defense and performance aspects will be secondary, discussed only as an aid to learning the various forms. We will be practicing Yang style Tai Chi, which is the most popular of the five traditional schools of Tai Chi. The slow, controlled movements of Tai Chi improve concentration, strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, coordination, and poise. We learn to release unnecessary tension from the body and increase relaxed awareness. The movements and postures are easily modified to fit individual needs.
Grab And Go Lunch From Hessco: Every Thursday from 11:15-12 HESSCO is offering a packed lunch which consists of a sandwich, chips, side salad, dessert, and water for a suggested donation of $3. Every week the sandwich is different. Week 1: Chicken Salad, Week 2: Turkey & Cheese, Week 3: Seafood Salad, Week 4: Ham & Cheese, Week 5: Tuna Salad. Please call the Center at 376-7051 by noon the Friday before to order.
Stretch And Flow Yoga
Fridays at 9:30 AM
Cost is $3.00
Gentle stretches, flowing movement and breathing exercises. The class is adaptable and really is for everyone! You can use a chair or bring your own mat if you prefer to be seated on the floor. Several levels of modification are given and you will go at your own pace. Lunch And A Movie
Join us for lunch and stay for a movie. We’ll supply the popcorn! Show time is at 1:00 PM.
West Side Story will be airing on Thursday, October 12th.
On Thursday, October 26th the film we’ll be showing is Hocus Pocus.
Plainville Casino Trip
Join us on Tuesday, October 24th for a return trip to the Plainridge Park Casino in Plainville, MA. The bus will leave the Center at 10:00 AM and return at 2:00 PM. Space is limited; call or stop by the Center to sign up. 508-533-3210
Early Bird Dinner
This month we will be visiting the Horse N’ Carriage Restaurant in Norfolk. Van pick-up starts at 3:30 PM. Limited to 14 people so call early to reserve your space.
Talking About Connection
Join us on Wednesday, October 18th at 11:30 am for an exploration on the topic of connection. Brian Dooley, Community Manager at the Dia Feliz Adult Day Health Center in Framingham, will share his experiences from studying a variety of communication disciplines. Call or stop by the center to sign up for this event (required).
Fuel Assistance
If you were approved for Fuel Assistance last year, you will be receiving a pre-printed application form in the Fall from SMOC (South Middlesex Opportunity Council) for the 2023-2024 heating season. To avoid delays in receiving your benefits, gather all your documents early and schedule an appointment with the Outreach department. We will review everything with you so you can submit your renewal application. New applicants begins November 1, 2023. Income guidelines for Fiscal Year 2023 are $45,392 for a one person household and $59,359 for a 2 person household. Call the Outreach department for more information.
(Serving Health Insurance Needs of Everyone)
If you would like to make a change to your Medicare plan for 2024, you may do so during the annual Medicare Open Enrollment Period between October 15th and December 7th. If you need assistance with choosing a plan and/or to understand your current plan, call the Center to make an appointment with our SHINE counselor, Jean Roy. Appointments available in person or over the phone on Wednesdays between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm.
Veterans Agent Meet and Greet
Come to the center to meet our newest veteran agent, Richard Sabonjain, for informal conversation and information on Thursday, October 12th @ 1:00 pm. Sign up at the center to join. Our agent is also available by appointment to meet with veterans one on one to discuss possible benefits and services that may be available. Call 508-429-0629 to make an appointment.
Breakfast has reopened!
Drop in by on Wednesdays from 7:30 am to 9:30 am for a delicious breakfast! Lunch is also provided every Tuesday and Thursday for eat in or takeout. All meals are $5.00. Lunch needs to be preordered by calling the center.