Medway Community Farm News

Frost on the pumpkins, chilly mornings and early sunsets, fall has arrived.
Work on the farm shifts into a different gear.
Fall vegetables like squash, carrots, potatoes and onions are harvested and stored for the winter....or saved for your Thanksgiving share. Order now for pick up the week of Thanksgiving.
Fall on the farm is both an ending and a beginning. We are doing the last of the harvesting, storing and also preparing the fields and equipment for next year.
It’s also a time for deferred summer projects. We will be skinning a greenhouse. Installing a new and much needed storage cooler, doing some maintenance on the farm yard, pruning, and clearing. Organizing and cleaning tools and tractors and hopefully completing the rehab of the old farm kitchen. We think the linoleum is original!
The farmstand will be open Saturdays through October then again before Thanksgiving. Come pick up some delicious organic fall veggies, fresh eggs or amazing pumpkin farm meats. Why buy your dinner fixins at the store when you get fresh, local and awesome food at the farm?
November is also our last donation to Medway’s two food pantries. This year we are thankful to have been able to donate over 4000 lbs. of fresh produce!
Farming is year-round and the last 3 months of the year keep us very busy. To keep the farm going when, due to colder weather, veggies aren’t growing, we need your help. Please consider becoming a member of the farm or donating to the farm – see QR code above for the farm’s website.
Fall is also a great time to visit the farm. Check out all the local goods at the store or just walk the trail and enjoy all the beauty of nature, fields, meadows, woods and the river.
Did you miss Fall Fest on the Farm? Yes it was raining, and a bit muddy. But we had a great time. Thank you to all those that braved the weather to join us. Good fun, beer from several local brewers and a wonderful band. Plan to be a part of the fun next year! And Autumn night out with appetizers from farm fresh produce, signature cocktails and dancing at Thayer House was a special event.
Don’t want to miss any of the farm happenings – stay in touch with us on facebook and twitter.
And – thank you. We are thankful to be a part of such a caring community. We are grateful for all the farm has provided, food, friendship and our amazing farm family. We wish all a Happy Thanksgiving and give thanks for all we have.
Submitted by Medway Community Farm
Work on the farm shifts into a different gear.
Fall vegetables like squash, carrots, potatoes and onions are harvested and stored for the winter....or saved for your Thanksgiving share. Order now for pick up the week of Thanksgiving.
Fall on the farm is both an ending and a beginning. We are doing the last of the harvesting, storing and also preparing the fields and equipment for next year.
It’s also a time for deferred summer projects. We will be skinning a greenhouse. Installing a new and much needed storage cooler, doing some maintenance on the farm yard, pruning, and clearing. Organizing and cleaning tools and tractors and hopefully completing the rehab of the old farm kitchen. We think the linoleum is original!
The farmstand will be open Saturdays through October then again before Thanksgiving. Come pick up some delicious organic fall veggies, fresh eggs or amazing pumpkin farm meats. Why buy your dinner fixins at the store when you get fresh, local and awesome food at the farm?
November is also our last donation to Medway’s two food pantries. This year we are thankful to have been able to donate over 4000 lbs. of fresh produce!
Farming is year-round and the last 3 months of the year keep us very busy. To keep the farm going when, due to colder weather, veggies aren’t growing, we need your help. Please consider becoming a member of the farm or donating to the farm – see QR code above for the farm’s website.
Fall is also a great time to visit the farm. Check out all the local goods at the store or just walk the trail and enjoy all the beauty of nature, fields, meadows, woods and the river.
Did you miss Fall Fest on the Farm? Yes it was raining, and a bit muddy. But we had a great time. Thank you to all those that braved the weather to join us. Good fun, beer from several local brewers and a wonderful band. Plan to be a part of the fun next year! And Autumn night out with appetizers from farm fresh produce, signature cocktails and dancing at Thayer House was a special event.
Don’t want to miss any of the farm happenings – stay in touch with us on facebook and twitter.
And – thank you. We are thankful to be a part of such a caring community. We are grateful for all the farm has provided, food, friendship and our amazing farm family. We wish all a Happy Thanksgiving and give thanks for all we have.
Submitted by Medway Community Farm