Millis Girl Scouts decorate town with scarecrows

This fall, Millis Girl Scouts in grades 1 to 6 decorated the town with themed scarecrows as a fun way to build connection with their community.
“Our goal was to have the scarecrows be mostly visible driving through our downtown area,” says Allison Martino who, along with Janeane Scanell are service unit coordinators for the Millis Girl Scouts. “All of the troops worked so hard on them and we look forward to doing more projects like this in the future.”
Clockwise from bottom right: Scarecrow created by Millis Girl Scout Troop 67239, located in the garden in front of Millis Town Hall. Credit: Theresa Knapp; Millis Brownie Troop 70651 created a scarecrow, complete with fire helmet in front of the Millis Fire Department. Credit: Theresa Knapp; Millis Girl Scouts Penny Houtchens and Lucca Martino are 6th grade cadettes who helped create scarecrows that decorated the downtown this fall. Courtesy photo; Millis Brownie Troop 70651 created this scarecrow, including its Chevrolet hat, as one of many that decorated the town this fall. Credit: Theresa Knapp