Medway Lions Club Shred-It Event
Saturday, May 4th, 9:00 am-Noon
The Medway Lions Club is again pleased to bring a “no-cost” shredding event to Medway Middle School on Saturday, May 4th, from 9 am to noon (or until the truck is full) for Medway residents. Residents can either remain in their vehicle, and someone will remove their items, or they can physically bring their bags/boxes to the truck.
SHRED IT! Bring all sensitive paperwork that includes account numbers, birth dates, passwords, PINs, signatures, and Social Security and/or driver’s license numbers. To protect your privacy, consider other items that include names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. When in doubt, shred it! Please note: Only paper items can be shredded, BUT there is no need to remove staples or paperclips.
This event is for residential patrons only, with a limit of 8 boxes/bags per person. Your documents will be shredded on-site, and you will have peace of mind knowing you have taken an essential step in the fight against identity theft and fraud.
Receptacles for returnable bottles and cans will also be available on-site.
Medway Lions thank those who participate in the club’s monthly bottles & cans drive or shed drop off. The money gained from the bottles & cans collections help support town endeavors such as this shredding event.