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Meet Moose, Medway’s own therapy dog

Medway therapy dog, Moose, on duty. Source: Sutton Police Department Facebook page

Moose is Medway’s therapy dog. He is a four-year-old English Cream Golden Retriever who was bred through Smithfield Goldens in Rhode Island. He and his owner, Medway Public Safety Communications Director Hannah Furno, spent six months working towards his therapy dog certification. The pair took three classes including AKC Star Puppy, Canine Good Citizen, and Therapy Dog. Furno said, “We had to train everyday” in order to obtain their Therapy Dog Team certification. 
Moose, who has been on the job since he was just one year old, provides therapy to anyone who is in need of it. He can often be found strolling through police and fire departments, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, senior centers, and summer camps, willing to let anyone give him a pat. He has also made cameos at the Medway High School’s Challenge Day, the Special Olympics, and Medway High School’s Mock Car Crash. 
Furno said, “Therapy dogs provide a form of love and comfort that no human being could ever replicate. Moose is able to enter a room and feel who is the most anxious or sad, and goes right over to them and sits on their feet.” 
Moose’s contributions to the community and beyond have earned him more than just one treat! 
When he’s off the clock, Moose enjoys playing with his brother, a black lab named Snoop Dogg, and cuddling with his moose Pillow PetTM.  Additionally, after every therapy visit, Furno plays Moose’s favorite movie, The Lion King, to help him wind down. 
In the future, Medway’s police department is likely to get another therapy dog, but it is uncertain when.