Millis Fall Town Meeting scheduled for Nov. 19
By Theresa Knapp
MILLIS – At its meeting on Sept. 12, the Millis Select Board opened the warrant for the Fall Annual Town Meeting to be held on Tues., Nov. 19, in the Millis Middle-High School auditorium and gymnasium.
The warrant was set to close on Sept. 30 [after press time] and Town Administrator Michael Guzinski said he planned to then ask the board to call a Special Town Meeting to occur immediately preceding the Annual Town Meeting “solely to insert an article for appropriations related to the Prop 2½ override question which is included in the ballot of the biannual state election which is scheduled for Nov. 5.”
Guzinski said Town Counsel preferred the appropriations question be voted at a Special Town Meeting “because of some quirks in the law.” He also said that vote will require a quorum, approximately 260 registered voters. This article is dependent on the passage of the override on the Nov. 5 ballot.