Medway Council on Aging Programs: October 2024

Healthy Eating Sessions
Join us for a series we are offering this fall as part of our “Fall into a Healthier Lifestyle” initiative. The workshops, presented by Therapy Gardens, will focus on healthy cooking and eating!
Sessions will be held on Wednesdays starting at 10:00 AM. The cost for the 3 part series, which will include samples) is $25.00.
Space is limited so sign up early.
October 9th - How to Follow the Mediterranean Diet
Specific tips, strategies, and recipes to help you reap the benefits of this simple yet powerful diet that is proven to help prevent cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
November 13th - Become a Soup Master
Soup is one of the most nourishing foods you can eat but only when it’s made with real food. Ditch the store-bought salt bombs and come learn a variety of healthy & delicious soups you can make at home.
December TBD - Healthy Eating on a Budget
Discover practical tips and strategies to embrace healthy eating without breaking the bank. Uncover smart ways to save money while still enjoying nutritious and delicious meals, both when cooking at home and when ordering out.
October 15th 1:00 PM- Learn tips for recognizing the differences between age-related forgetfulness vs. more serious cognitive diseases, including dementia.
Join us for an educational seminar providing insight into how memory is affected as you age and learn helpful tips for recognizing signs and symptoms, as well as ways to help slow down this decline.
Trust and Estate presentation from lawyer Paula Nedder - October 24th 1:00 PM. Event is free but please sign up for planning purposes. 508-533-3210
SNAP Assistance
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) offers help to pay for the increasing cost of groceries. If your income is less than $2,510 per month for a single person or $3,407 for a two-person household, you may qualify.
The Outreach team can assist with filling out the application. Seniors, families, and anyone in the community who meets the criteria can apply. 508-533-3210
Metrowest Veterans’ Services
Do you need information about or assistance with the benefits you are entitled to as a Veteran? Call 508-429-0629 to schedule an appointment to meet with Veterans Service agent, Richard Sabounjain. He is at the Center on Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
Weekly Exercise Classes
9:30 AM Dance Cardio $5
11:00 AM Strength Exercise $4
11:00 AM Line Dancing $4 12: 30 PM Strength & Power $5
(New Class)
9:30 AM Yoga $3
11:30 AM Sword Tai Chi $10
1:00 PM Chair Exercise $3
11:00 AM Zumba Exercise $5
12:20 PM Chair Exercise $3