Medway Garden Club Oct. program will be hypertufa project

The September meeting of the Medway Garden Club was informative and well-attended with guest speaker Gretel Anspach. The 2024-2025 Officers were installed, including our returning President Nancy Vinton, Vice President Ruth Zide, Secretary Lisa Sarno-Bowen, Treasurer MaryAlice Kenney, and Corresponding Secretary Teresa Shultz-Jones.
The next meeting on Oct. 8 will feature our members and guests doing a hypertufa project—an exciting hands-on way to add a keepsake to your garden in a shape of your choosing. This special meeting will be held at the Medway Community Farm located at 50 Winthrop St. in Medway. Feel free to contact The Medway Garden Club via our Facebook page or e-mail if you would like to join us for details and a list of materials needed.
The club’s mission is to support fellow gardeners from beginners to the seasoned. It provides a social and educational experience for members as well as garden-related civic development in the town. Currently, in cooperation with the Town, the club plants and maintains areas at the library, the police and fire stations, and the islands at the intersections of 109 and Holliston Streets.
The club meets on the second Tuesday of the month and new members are always welcome. For more information, visit @MedwayGardenClub on Facebook or email [email protected].