Millis Booster’s ‘Run Back to School’ proves a huge success

Young runners beginning their race after the time started. Credit: Christine Chambers
By Kaitlyn Richards
Student Writer
On Sept. 29, the Millis Boosters held its annual Run Back to School.
Run Back to School includes two races every year, a 5K and a one-mile run. This year’s event was incredibly successful and had the highest number of participants in its history. A total of 235 runners participated, with 170 running in the 5K and 65 running the one-mile run.
“The goal of the Run Back to School is to gather our school and town community for a fun, fitness-minded, family-friendly event at the start of the school year that also serves as a significant fundraiser for the Boosters,” said Treasurer Allison Maher. The run is one of the largest yearly fundraisers held by the Boosters and is especially important to Millis High School’s athletic programs.
Every year, “The Boosters fund several ongoing initiatives including senior banners to recognize all our senior athletes, varsity jackets to all qualifying athletes, scholarships, financial support for team banquets, and an annual end-of-year celebration for all athletic teams and their families,” said Maher. Millis athletics depends on the Boosters’ organization to provide support to Millis athletes, and their events are always supported by the Millis community.
Additionally, Run Back to School would not be possible without the help of local businesses. Maher said the Boosters have many sponsors including “Middlesex Savings Bank, Roche Bros, Ambassador LLC, R&R Auto, Taylor Family Chiropractic, and Tangerini’s Spring Street Farm who have sponsored us every year since we began and 3 Bees Protein Bites has been with us for 2 years.”
The annual Run Back to School event is always anticipated in Millis and is always a great opportunity to support the Boosters and its initiatives.