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Millis/Medway - Local Town Pages

Medway to hold Fall Town Meeting on Nov. 12 at 7 p.m.

By Theresa Knapp 
The Town of Medway will hold its Fall Town Meeting on Tues., Nov. 12, at 7 p.m. in the Medway High School auditorium. 
The warrant includes 23 articles including these that ask to: 
Amend Zoning Bylaws to add Multifamily Overlay District (which has three subdistricts: West St., Main St., Glen Brook); amend Sign and Façade Permit language to increase response times; update Table of Uses to add Food Pantry; and update language for Central Business District; 
Borrow $7.9 million for costs associated with building a new public safety and town hall complex at 120 Main St.;
Expend $1.25 million for environmental cleanup and site work at 120 Main St. (site of proposed new municipal complex) ;
Expend $2.9 million for construction of the High School Rd. repair project;
Transfer Community Preservation Act funds to build a community farm pavilion at 50 Winthrop St.; and purchase four parcels of land off Shaw St.;
Fund rehabilitation of the Village Street pump station;
Fund for the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) pilot treatment study;
Repurpose funds for updates at the public library;
Repurpose funds for school projects (from Burke to Memorial and McGovern);
Increase the Veteran Property Tax Exemption;
Reduce the dog license late fee (from $50 to $25); and 
Reduce the number of members on the Economic Development Committee.

Voters will also act on other financial matters (prior year bills, free cash transfers, etc.) found on the warrant at