Join Charles River Bank in Bringing Holiday Joy to Local Children

Every year, Charles River Bank proudly participates in the Angel Tree Program offered through The Salvation Army of Milford. The bank pledges to adopt between 30 and 40 children each holiday season. Bank employees, as well as generous customers and community members, are matched up with various children of local families in need.
Sponsors are then given a wish list that a child has created and purchase items specifically requested by that child. Wish list tags will be available in Charles River Bank’s Medway, Bellingham and Mendon offices listing a child’s first name, their age, their clothing size and some toy and gift requests. Visit one of Charles River Bank’s branches to pick up a child’s wish list or contact [email protected] if you would like a wish list sent to you.
All gifts must be returned to Charles River Bank’s Medway office by the beginning of December. Gifts must be new, unwrapped, and in a large bag with the wish list tag attached to the outside.
Submitted by Charles River Bank