Have you seen these “Selfie Stations” around town?

Initiative started to raise mental health awareness
By Theresa KnappMILLIS – Selfie Stations are now in place around town and social media is being flooded with photos from “Project Smile,” a collection of outside murals meant to foster positive self-images.
“The Project Smile initiative was started in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month to share positive images via social media and encourage outside activity,” says Millis Recreation Department Director Kris Fogarty who sought local artists to paint murals around town.
“We were very grateful for the generous donation from Needham Bank and Plaid Paints to help see this project come to fruition,” says Fogarty. “These wonderful artists donated their time and talent to help spread joy to our community.”
Selfie Stations include:
• Be the Change by Abby Barrett
• Hearts by
Karen Bouret-Demarzo
• Nature by Jen Donahey
• Tree by Katie Hurwitz
• Umbrella by Benny Kessler
• Bubbles by Sophia & Autumn Richard
• Wings by Jaena Tuleja
• Butterfly by Gina Woods
There are eight stations in all. When patrons locate a station, they are encouraged to post their selfies to social media and tag #millisrec #Projectsmile #mentalhealthawareness
Here are some location clues:
• Recreation Headquarters
• Building where red trucks park
• Field of dreams for little leaguers
• Where girls might hit a home run
• Container where Recreation Dept. would store soccer nets
• Place that active adults live on Union Street
• Courtyard if you were checking out a summer read
• Father’s Day Fishing Derby location

For more Selfie Station images, visit Medway & Millis Town News on Facebook.