Faichney Wins Medway Cultural Council’s Photo Contest
Source: www.townofmedway.org/cultural-council
First annual spring contest draws 105 entries
By Aidan PooleMEDWAY - The Medway Cultural Council’s “Signs of Spring” photo contest winners were announced on June 5, kicking off a season of events including “Art in Choate Park,” “Park Pixies,” and the “Bridge Festival.”
Kim Blenkhorn, a Medway Cultural Council member for nearly two years, said, “This was the first annual spring photo contest and we’re really happy with the results.” A total of 105 photo entries were judged by Lorie Brownell, who runs the “Oh Shoot!” photography group at the Medway Public Library and who came in second place in last fall’s (first annual) photo contest.
The “Signs of Spring” winners include:
First Place: Jenna Faichney - “Robin Chick”
Second Place: YuhYun Li - “The Heart of Spring”
Third Place: Sue Rorke - “Courtship”
Honorable Mention: Betsy Memishian - “Almost Ready to Go”
Honorable Mention: Matthew Dwyer - “Spring in the City”
Honorable Mention: Gidget Green - “Solo Strawberry.”
Blenkhorn said, “We’re giving a ribbon and certificate” to the top three winners to recognize their talents. For photos of all entries, visit www.medwayartists.wpcomstaging.com
The Medway Cultural Council has more programming in store for later this summer, including “Art in Choate Park” on June 17, an event where “artists can set up and paint outdoors,” said Blenkhorn. On July 24 and 25, the “Park Pixies” event will display a tiny pixie village, created by community members, at Choate Park while T.C. Scoops serves ice cream outside. In August, the Medway Cultural Council will debut its new “Behind the Scenes” series which spotlights local culinary artists. Lastly, the “Bridge Festival” on September 25 and 26 will name Medway’s 11 unnamed walking trail bridges using interactive themes to distinguish them.
The Medway Cultural Council meets the second Tuesday of each month, with June marking a return to in-person meetings at the Thayer House. Blenkhorn said, “We’re actually looking for members right now” and encourages locals to attend.

Source: www.townofmedway.org/cultural-council